Thursday 10 May 2012

Videogames and kids

I believe they are good for kids to get into, as it changes how they view the world. Whether for the better or worse, that's for the kids to decide. Depending on the game, different things can be learned. For example, in the popular Call of Duty series, we can learn that the Americans are right in every way and all they do can be justified. What a load of crap. However, with games such as Pac-Man, we learn that ghosts are not to be trusted and are evil, and can be eaten if necessary.

Strategy games such as Age of Empires can be beneficial to the people that play it by simulating scenarios that require quick-thinking. This helps develop their mental skills, which is a reason to place games on computers in schools. With all this combined, I believe it is safe to say videogames are a benefit to society and kids.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that some video games can have beneficial qualities that can be passed on through playing the game. Video games also help in Eye-Hand coordination.
